Category: IT Small Talk Blog
The Future of IT in the Age of AI
To kick off 2025, I originally planned to write about the future of IT in general. But I quickly surrendered to the fact that, at this moment in time, the future of IT really mostly boils down to two letters: AI. Since we know AI is going to continue to advance and extend its tentacles… Read more
The IT Expectation Gap – Why Your IT Isn’t Providing What The Business Actually Needs
When you say “IT”, what does that mean in your organization? You might be thinking, isn’t IT just “IT”? And to that I would say, not so fast! Every IT department is different. Yes, at a basic level IT manages your Google and your Microsoft, responds to helpdesk tickets, and makes sure your internet works. … Read more
IT Security: What Does the C-Suite Need to Know?
IT security is complicated, technical, multi-faceted, and always changing. It’s also an inescapable concern for every company. How are the non-techies, business folks, and C-Suite leaders supposed to keep up?? What do you really need to know? Here are 6 key principles: So how can (should) the C-Suite participate? What’s their role? What should the… Read more
Managing Change in Small Companies
One of the biggest unexpected hurdles when small companies start to scale up is change management, which is really the big brother to project management. It can sneak up on you. With growth comes operational complexity. More and more projects start happening simultaneously, and they compete for limited attention and resources. At a certain point… Read more